2011, ഒക്‌ടോബർ 20, വ്യാഴാഴ്‌ച


1 Dry ice is a frozen form of which gas?
2 Where are human triceps muscles to be found?
3 What is the brightest star in the night sky?
5 What term is given to a piece of rock or metal from space that reaches the surface of the Earth?
6 Which part of the eye is coloured and surrounds the pupil?
7 What colour is the most-prized variety of jade?
8 What type of tree is often found in churchyards?
9 Who invented the jet engine?
10 What would you use VOIP for?
11 To which animal does the word lupine refer?
12 Which subatomic particles are found in the nucleus of an atom?
13 Which part of the Earth lies between the outer core and the crust?
14 Orbiting 35,900km above the equator, what term is given to satellites that remain above the same point on the Earth’s surface in their orbit?
15 In trigonometry, what is calculated by the adjacent over the hypotenuse?
16 What unit do barometers and weather maps usually display atmospheric pressure in?
17 Which chemical element, number 11 in the Periodic table, has the symbol Na?
18 Named after a Surrey town where a spring containing this was discovered, how is hydrated magnesium sulphate better known?
19 Reed, Marsh, Sedge and Grasshopper are varieties of which bird?
20 Which New Zealand-born physicist is credited with splitting the atom?
21 Which mineral forms the lead in a pencil?
22 SS Archimedes was an appropriately named ship which was the world’s first to use what form of propulsion?
23 What is the largest fish in the world?
24 What shapes are attached to a line of a weather map to denote a warm front?
25 Who discovered the law that the volume of a given mass of gas at a constant temperature is inversely proportional to its pressure?
26 What is the longest bone in the human body?
27 Relating to flat-screen televisions and monitors, what does LCD stand for?
28 What creature is an ophidiophobe afraid of?
29 What is the mathematical series that starts 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 called?
30 Deriving its name from an Icelandic word meaning erupt, what term is given to a natural hot spring that intermittently ejects a column of water and steam into the air?
31 Diamonds are a form of which chemical element?
32 Which paper size measures 297x420mm?
33 What piece of computer equipment was invented by Douglas Engelbart of Stanford Research Institute in 1963?
34 What is the highest digit that can appear in an Octal number system?
35 Alopecia is a condition causing the loss of what from the body?
36 What colour are most thistle heads?
37 Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange and Charm are the six “flavours” of what elementary particle?
38 What is the device that blends air and fuel for an internal combustion engine called?
39 Which part of a horse’s anatomy is the equivalent of a human ankle?
40 Magnetite, hematite, limonite and siderite are ores of which metal?
41 What name is given to the condition created by too much bile in the bloodstream creating a yellowing of the skin?
42 What acid accumulates in the muscles once the anaerobic threshold is passed when doing exercise?
43 What do 1,000 gigabytes make?
44 Which major spiral galaxy is the closest to the Milky Way and might collide with it in about three billion years?
45 What is the usual colour of copper sulphate?
46 What is the name given to the substance that covers a deer’s antler when it is growing?
47 What is the igneous rock seen in hexagonal columns at the Giant’s Causeway and Fingal’s Cave?
48 Which wind is a warm southerly coming from the Sahara Desert over the Mediterranean?
49 What colour head does a male Mallard have?
50 In which temperature scale is the boiling point of water 80 degrees?
51 Which acid is found in car batteries?
52 What is the ratio 1:1.618 known as?
53 What is an ECG used to show?
54 Where was a speed record of 11.2mph set in 1972?
55 Which form of cloud has an anvil shape and is associated with heavy showers and storms?
56 Old Man’s Beard and Traveller’s Joy are names for a variety of which flower?
57 What is the fruit of the tropical plant Ananas comosus?
58 Which astronomical distance is about 3.26 light years?
59 What is created when the loop of a meander of a river is cut off and the river diverted on a different course?
60 Which sugar is found in milk?

Science and Nature Quiz

1 What was the only probe that has so far been sent to Uranus and Neptune?
2 What is defined as “Any rock or soil material that has remained below 0˚C continuously for two or more years”?
3 Which insect is the host for the parasitic organism that causes sleeping sickness?
4 What did Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discover by accident on November 8 1895?
5 Which is the largest species of big cat to be found in South America?
6 An Astronomical Unit is the mean distance between which two bodies?
7 What term is used in mathematics for a number, such as Pi or √2, which cannot be expressed as a fraction?
8 What is manufactured by the Haber process?
9 Of what is a Positron an antiparticle?
10 What sort of structure is DNA?
12 And what is DNA an abbreviation for?
13 Which chemical element is named after a village in Scotland?
14 Which of Jupiter’s moons is the largest in the solar system?
15 What was a Clepsydra used for?
16 How is the fossilised resin of coniferous trees from the Middle Tertiary period better known?
17 Monotremes are egg- laying mammals, the order comprising echidnas and which other animals?
18 What number on the Beaufort scale is given to a “strong breeze”?
19 The diet of which birds creates their pink plumage?
20 What colour are the flowers of the primrose?
21 Which alkane, chemical formula CH4, occurs naturally in oil wells, marshes and the emissions from cows?
22 What does the mathematic sign ≥ mean?
23 Which black and white bird of the crow family has the scientific name Pica pica?
24 What facet of human anatomy did William Harvey discover?
25 In weather, regions of high pressure are also known as what?
26 Which London structure was designed so it could act as a giant telescope, although it proved unsuccessful in this role?
27 Centre of a long-standing industry in Cornwall, how is kaolin also known?
28 In which spacecraft did Yuri Gagarin become the first man in space?
29 Where in the body are alveoli to be found?
30 Riboflavin is an alternative name for which vitamin of the B Group?
